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Quake Champions Commission - Lightning Gun

13 days.

Over the last two weeks I have been working like mad to build a prop from Quake: Champions to bring to PAX Australia.

It was hectic and crazy but it got done and the piece will be heading to Melbourne today.

The in game model was beautifully edited and cleaned up by Carson Cosplay as there was no time to create one from scratch and then given to me to print.

Week one was entirely spent printing constantly on my two 3d printers, using both pla and abs. It ended up being about 22 body sections to print, many of which having multiple slices required to fit on the printer beds.

Start of week two meant filling, sanding and assembly. I allocated 3 days for filling and sanding pieces, burned through 5 cans of filler putty and a tub of spakfilla.

Pandemodia Gaming and Cosplay became my saviour here and joined me on some of the 12 hour sanding days, providing much needed support.

Assembly was done over two days, again with the assistance of Pandemodia, and the gun is glued, plastic fused and bolted together.

Painting was handled by Nguran Cosplay and the final piece will be wielded by Henchwench at the AMD booth at PAX Melbourne this weekend!

Please excuse my tired serious face, this project was full on! More photos of the prop to come after the weekend is done!

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If you are interested in a prop, 3D model or trophy commission please contact Zaphy Cosplay here.

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 2013-2019 by Zaphy Cosplay 

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